👋 Hi, I'm Nikhil Radosevich! I code, design, and do science.
I'm from upstate New York and currently attend Williams College studying Computer Science & Economics. I started coding in third grade and have built various projects throughout the years.
My Projects
Explore how climate change impacts your community.
Gain a solid understanding of your data by visualizing it in three dimensions.
📅 Clyde
GitHubTrack, manage & analyze community service hours for your organization.
📈 Sheetpointers
sheetpointers.comLearn how to build, design & analyze spreadsheets. I may or may not have accidentially deleted the server. Currently looking for a backup.
A simple website for the Student Helpdesk that rings 10 minutes before the end of each period.
Spreadsheet Projects
There was a time where no matter how many StackOverflow pages I visited, I could not get Python to work on my computer. I pivoted to some interesting spreadsheet projects.
Planner - A sheet that keeps track of school assignments.
The Money Box - A sheet that keeps track of all of my financial assets.
Imahara - Our FRC team's first scouting engine.
Graphing Calculator - Could graph and solve linear and quadratic equations.
Written in Java. Summer 2018.
Business - A point of sale system for my lemonade stand.
Built with MIT App inventor. Mostly worked, never completed.
Paint - An Android app that lets you draw shapes, lines, text and apply filters to images.
Code CCE - An encryption program that encodes and decodes the different ciphers.
Built with Scratch.
Laser Maze 2
July 2014
Laser Maze is a game where the player is challenged to navigate the swamp green bus around the red lasers and reach the blue box to win medals.